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For seniors, Term 3 is when the reality of looming assessments and exams begin to bite. Our experience has shown that senior students who have developed a well-organised study schedule by now are more likely to reach their exams feeling prepared and confident. They're more able to achieve at their potential.

They need to be:

  • Completing class homework and assignments, but also revisiting course work already covered in preparation for exams.  
  • Aware of their own strengths and weaknesses in each subject. Focus on really doing well in areas of strength, but also spending time building up weaker areas.
  • Asking questions; if they don’t understand something, what do they do about it? If asking in class is not something they feel comfortable doing, then perhaps approaching a teacher after class or bringing the work into NumberWorks’nWords would help. The more responsibility they can take for their own learning the better.
  • Work through old exam papers. Nothing prepares you for exams like doing them.

Big Vocab, Better Stories

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