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4 ways to start the school year strong

The new school year is upon us! Many of us share the sentiment that the new year brings new beginnings, and provides renewed opportunity for personal growth. Following a disruptive 2020, many of us are seeking stability and normalcy for the year ahead. Though we can’t predict what 2021 will bring, we can set our children up for success, and help them start the school year strong. Read on to discover 4 ways to help your child succeed this year.

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5 ways to instil study habits

Positive habits make life easier. When a habit is engrained, it becomes second nature, and we make it a priority without having to motivate ourselves to complete a task. Establishing good habits early in life sets us up for success down the track, and is a skill that can be applied in all areas of life. Children are influenced by what they see around them, and what is normalised in their lives, so when parents, teachers and mentors model positive habits, children will follow their lead. Good habits are beneficial in all aspects of life, from what we habitually eat, to how active we are, and how we spend our time. Instilling positive study habits in children is important for their academic development and helps shape them into active learners. Read on to discover 5 ways to instil study habits in young learners.

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Holidaying with children

School holidays offer excellent opportunities for family travel. Whether you are travelling to visit extended family, to explore new places, or visiting a family-favourite destination, travelling with children has its challenges, as well as its perks. Creating new memories, sharing experiences, getting lost together, and enjoying downtime as a family are some of the rich experiences that holidaying as a family provides. This blog explores 4 reasons to travel with children during the school holidays.

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School Holidays Learning for Children

Keeping children busy over the school holidays can be a challenge, especially if you are trying to occupy young ones in productive ways that support continuous learning. School holidays also mark the beginning of freedom and fun, and are an important part of a balanced school year. These breaks offer an ideal time to learn new skills and have hands-on experiences that help to develop young learners. Practical learning opportunities such as learning how to bake, playing new games, or learning how to ride a bike or boogie board can be found during these welcome breaks in the academic year. Read on to discover five educationally rich activities to keep children learning and building confidence during the school holidays.

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How to keep children reading over the Christmas break

School holidays are a welcome reprieve for children, and provide the perfect opportunity to rest and enjoy a slower, less structured pace of life. Being able to relax and forgo routine during school holidays gives children more freedom and time to explore their interests. This doesn’t mean that education stops, however, and there are plenty of ways to keep children on track with their learning during the Christmas break. Educational opportunities come in many different forms, and the school holidays allow children to discover new areas of interest and enjoy practical learning experiences. In the midst of the fun and celebrations during the Christmas season, it’s important to keep children reading, and developing their literacy skills. We have compiled a list of four ways to keep children reading over the Christmas break - read on the learn more.

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