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School interviews

Making the most of Parent Teacher interviews

Dive into our insightful blog that uncovers the essential steps to building positive parent-teacher relationships. Explore the transformative power of transparent communication, understanding roles, and fostering empathy in the educational journey. From productive parent-teacher meetings to setting realistic goals, our blog guides you through every aspect of this vital partnership. 

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blog 14

Our Children are Digital Learners

These days, digital media is one of the main conflicts between the adults in the house and the kids. Almost all houses ring with sounds of "Turn off the computer and come to dinner", "No, you've watched enough TV today", and "Tidy your room or I'll take away your favourite thing - Nintendo!"

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blog 13

The Science Behind Learning and Having FUN!

EVERYTHING we experience is a form of 'stress' ... some of it good, a lot of it bad.

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blog 12

Tips for sitting Tests and Exams

At the moment a lot of students are facing tests and exams. By now schools are well through the content they need to cover and are starting to revise for end of year assessments. How is your child’s study going? Does your child know their assessment dates? Do they have a study routine?

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blog 11

Stop your child procrastinating over homework

Procrastination - we’re all guilty of it in some form or another. I believe it is human nature to procrastinate to some extent. In fact, if there was a Bachelor of Procrastination - I’d already have the certificate on my wall! I found this website very interesting as we consider how our children tackle tasks put in front of them. I've also summarised the main points below.

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