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Benefits of goal setting for children

Setting goals for children is a vital part of their learning, achievement, and growth. Goals help motivate us to stay on track, achieve our ambitions, and push us to go above and beyond what we expect from ourselves. Goal setting establishes a sense of purpose, direction, and confidence in children and encourages them to maintain focus on attaining their goals. This blog outlines four benefits of goal setting for children and tips on how you can help your child set and stay on track with their goals.

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4 ways to celebrate student success

Celebrating student success has never been more important. Celebrations are more than just feel-good moments. They are the driver behind students’ motivation and focus, and create a positive attitude towards learning. It is important to recognise all accomplishments small and large throughout the year. As we near the end of the year, we have compiled some fun ways to celebrate success with your children and propel them forward on their education journey. Read on to discover 4 ways you can celebrate student success.

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5 ways to cultivate confidence in children

Confidence contributes to a lifetime of resilience, determination, and accomplishments for children. It is the foundation of children’s development and the key to success as they mature into adults. Confident children are resilient and better equipped to deal with setbacks, frustrations, and challenges, which are all part of their learning journey. As parents and educators, confidence is one of the greatest gifts we can give our children. Read on to discover 5 ways to help your child cultivate confidence.

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How mentorship helps students succeed

Mentors serve as a support system for students on their academic journey, and help empower them to become autonomous learners. Mentors express understanding and empathy of students’ challenges, aspirations, and goals. Every student is different, as some require additional support, while others have the ability to confidently work independently. Mentorship can contribute to student success by motivating them, helping them explore educational and career opportunities, and fostering self-reflection. This blog explores how mentorship can help students succeed in their academic journey.

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NumberWorksnWords maths and English tuition Inspiring Role Models

Inspiring role models for students

Students are young and are still learning about life and the world they live in. They are impressionable and will imitate actions and things that impress them, which is why role models should be an integral and central part of each students’ learning experience and journey. For children, role models vary from parents and teachers, to celebrities and athletes. Whoever your child may look up to, it is important that they have someone they admire who inspires them to reach their full potential and overcome personal challenges. We have compiled a list of three inspiring role models for school students.

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