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Harnessing Tech to Improve Lifelong Learning

The way children learn in the classroom today presents an opportunity for a skilful blending of tech with traditional teaching methods. By harnessing features of online learning, students’ progress is easily tracked, feedback can be given instantly and teaching styles can be recorded, analysed and adapted further to suit the way their students learn. This approach has been perfected within NumberWorks’nWords centres and principles from this can be applied to children’s daily learning. Read on to learn how an encouraging environment using tech, is seeing students walk out of the centre feeling more motivated than ever.

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academic success

Helping your child to achieve academic success

Achieving academically depends on a wide range of factors. There’s a lot more to it than simply putting in hour after hour of homework and revision, and there’s certainly more to be gained from school than high test results. To help your child to acquire the knowledge and skills to do well in life, it’s best to consider their mental health, physical health and motivating interests.

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The Digital World and Family Life

Smartphones, computers, streaming TV, smart speakers and other internet connected devices are very much a part of today’s homes. So how do you maximise their benefits and minimise potential harm?

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Normalising anxiety

Children can feel anxious for all sorts of reasons and sometimes for no reason at all. If they don’t understand what‘s happening, it can be a frightening experience. The very thought of becoming anxious can be enough to trigger anxiety. Assuming there’s no real underlying danger, such as bullying, here are some tips from mental health experts to help your child take control.

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Healthy Eating

How good health boosts learning

The transition from a relaxed family holiday to the rigours of school and work can be challenging for children and parents. You’ve had a chance to slow down, unwind and spend some quality time together with a focus on fun. Now it’s back to busy schedules, deadlines and working hard to achieve your best.

Here are some tips to help your child prepare, so they’re more likely to enjoy a happy and confident start to the school year.

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