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Celebrating academic success

Celebrating academic success is such a pivotal part of children's learning! It helps them to develop a success mindset, share in each other's success, creates positive associations around learning and builds up learning motivation and confidence. All too often we tend to focus on what’s not working or is needing to be changed and forget to purposefully stop and celebrate. However, reviewing progress and celebrating little steps can be a great way to encourage young learners.

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NumberWorksnWords maths and English tutoring near me

4 ways to use positive reinforcements for motivating children

Positive reinforcements can be an effective method for intrinsically motivating children to learn. There are different types of reinforcement, such as positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, and punishment. Parents and teachers often see fast results using positive reinforcement, as students are more likely to repeat a rewarded behaviour than stop a punished one when used correctly. Positive reinforcements can include non-verbal cues, verbal praise, tangible rewards, activities and group awards. Using these methods can result in the desired response becoming habitual very quickly!

Read on to learn about the most beneficial positive reinforcements for motivating learners.

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NumberworksnWords Maths and English Tuition Tutor Review Near Me 3

Benefits of reading aloud to children

Reading aloud to children has many advantages, such as developing language skills, parent-child bonding, and entertainment. In addition, it's a great excuse to spend time together that both of you can enjoy. Here are some of the top benefits children gain from being read aloud to.

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4 ways to keep children motivated

Nurturing ambition in children keeps them on track with their learning. Parents can play an essential part in motivating their children; however, some children are naturally more motivated than others. Sometimes you need to help your child to nurture motivation by working out what motivates them and helping cultivate internal motivation, one of the strongest drivers of good habits and self-drive.

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NumberWorksnWords Reading At Home Maths English Tuition

Reading at home

Literacy is the cornerstone of child development. It is an essential part of children’s learning and is the foundation for succeeding in school. Ensuring that all young children have the ability to read and write will ultimately have flow on effects for achievement across all school subjects. As parents, it is important that we support our children’s learning from the moment they step foot in a classroom to the very end of their academic journey. There are several ways we can help and encourage our children to master their literacy skills by reading at home. Read on to discover more!

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